
The Science Behind Green Coffee Bean Extract Benefits

Greencoffee beans are the un-roasted beans found in the berries of the coffee tree. These coffee beans contain chlorogenic acid, a substance that is not present in roasted coffee beans and is proved to help in weight loss. When coffee beans get soaked in distilled water, the green coffee bean extract is produce. This extract, available usually in pill form, has many health benefits, not only due to the chlorogenic acid content, but also due to the rich antioxidant content. Let's have a look at the different mechanism behind the health benefits of green coffee bean extract.

Weight loss benefits
Chlorogenic acids blocks glucose from being released into the bloodstream. This means that the body cannot use carbohydrates as a readily available source of energy and burns fat instead. Additionally, as the sugar you consume is not fully absorbed, excess amounts do not get stored in your body as fat. And since simple carbohydrates, like sugar, do not enter your blood stream, you won't experience sugar spikes, which often lead to cravings and overeating. Of course, chlorogenic acid can be found n other plant sources as well, but green coffee beans have the highest concentration of this natural compound. This is why high quality green coffee bean extract supplements seem to work so well, when it comes to fast and healthy weight loss.

Even though the research on the benefits of chlorogenic acid and green coffee bean extract has not been studied in great depth yet, there are at least two studies that confirm the link between green coffee consumption and lower blood pressure. The first study was conducted using rats. Their cholesterol levels dropped and they had higher glucose tolerance once they were fed a diet of green coffee beans. The study on humans took part in 2005 and it was conducted by Japanese researchers. It used placebo and green coffee bean extract in order to examine its effect on blood pressure. The test sample of people who consumed black coffee had a lower blood pressure at the end of the experiment and there were no negative side effects observed. It is believed that chlorogenic acids, possibly along with other compounds found in green coffee beans, leads to the dilation of the veins, allowing for a better blood flow, hence the lower blood pressure. 

Type 2 diabetes
The effect that green coffee bean extract has in the absorption of glucose from the body has led scientists to believe that it has a great potential as a regulator of type 2 diabetes. The most recent presentation of the benefits of chlorogenic acid for such patients took part in April 2013 at the National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society (ACS) in New Orleans. There Dr. Vinson pointed out that as type 2 diabetes and obesity often go hand in hand, chlorogenic acid can help patients by battling too factors that compromise their health and well being with one single supplement. 

Other benefits
Of course, green coffee beans contain many potent antioxidants. It is true that the roasting of coffee beans increases their antioxidant content, but that does not mean that green coffee beans are deprived of it. On the contrary, they are potent enough to help slow down the aging process, by binding with free radicals. This means also reduced inflammation and reduced production of abnormal cells. More research needs to be conducted though, in order to have conclusive results about these benefits of green coffee beans extract.
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Fighting fat, aging and inflammation all at once: the green coffee bean miracle

Chasing beauty standards
We live in a society that is obsessed with youth and perfect silhouettes. Many women and men struggle every day in order to look like the stars promoted by the media. And to do so, they often start exhausting diets, starve themselves, exclude whole food groups and pop a couple of chemical weight loss supplements as well. This process can become very frustrating as such a radical attitude towards food throws the body off balance. As a result, most people gain even more weight than they have lost within a few weeks. In addition to the fact that such diets are ineffective in the long run, they can also cause serious health issues like nutrient deficiencies, anemia, osteoporosis and digestive problems as well.

Getting slimmer with green coffee beans
Fortunately, there are ways to achieve a healthy, thin and toned body naturally, by following a diet that does not deprive you of anything at all. All you need to do is add to your daily routine a high quality green coffee bean supplement. Green coffee beans contain a plant compound called chlorogenic acid. This compound has multiple benefits for the human body, as it prevents the absorption of glucose into the blood stream. This means no sugar spikes, which is great news for diabetics! It also means that, since the body is not getting any sugar to use for energy, it burns fat instead! Yes, faster fat burning! Plus, as there is no excess sugar in your body when you supplement with green coffee bean extract, there is nothing to be converted into fat and stored in your thighs and belly.
So basically, all you need to do is add a green coffee supplement into your diet and you will start losing weight, without making any other changes to your lifestyle. Keep in mind though, that if you survive on junk food, you might want to consider changing your diet for reasons other than weight loss. Eating more fresh fruits and vegetables as well as drinking plenty of water will help your body detox, your hair, skin and nails look better and of course, increase your weight loss rate!

Getting younger with green coffee beans
Greencoffee beans contain potent antioxidants. You have probably read about antioxidants before, when looking into anti-aging creams, anti-aging diets or even diets to prevent inflammation and chronic diseases. The reason that antioxidants are so valuable for human health is the fact that they bind with free radicals. Free radicals are unstable structures that are missing electrons and will steal them from healthy cells, in order to stabilize. This is what causes aging as well as inflammation.
When you consume antioxidants, they bind with free radicals, preventing them from destroying your healthy cells. As green coffee beans are very high in antioxidants, supplementing your diet with their extract means that you help your body stay younger for a longer period of time and avoid inflammation, which can compromise your quality of life. 

Staying healthy and fit the easy way
All you have to do in order to start effectively battling your weight issues is to add some chlorogenic acid into your diet. This will help you burn fat faster while the antioxidant content of the green coffee beans will help you look youthful. Just make sure that you get a high quality green coffee bean extract, as the internet is full of scams, trying to take advantage of this amazing plant.
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Benefits on taking green coffee bean extract supplements

The popularity of green coffee bean extract instigated a range of studies about its benefits, particularly when it comes to weight loss. But, long before green beans became a topic of interest, coffee beans were researched for their effects on our health. This interesting plant has a large number of active ingredients and there are very few alkaloids which are actually activated during the roasting of coffee. Most of active compounds of coffee are present in higher percentage in green beans than in beans that have been roasted. There is nothing in roasted coffee that does not exist in green coffee, except the flavor. Green coffee makes lousy, bitter beverage.

Caffeine in coffee
Caffeine is the main ingredient in coffee that made this beverage so popular. Caffeine is an alkaloid with stimulating affect on our central nervous system. It is the most popular psychoactive drug and the only one safe and legal. Caffeine is toxic in doses over one gram, but most coffee drinkers do not take more than 500 milligrams. Most people drink coffee in order to stay awake and alert and to get a boost of energy when needed.

Caffeine is also a metabolic stimulant, the reason why so many weight loss supplements contain large doses of caffeine.

Several studies found that regular coffee drinking reverses cognitive impairment in elderly Alzheimer patients. Regular coffee drinking also reduced the risk of developing Alzheimers.

A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that regular coffee consumption may reduce the risk of developing gallstone disease due to its caffeine content.

Coffee drinkers are also less likely to develop Parkinson disease. Elderly people who regularly drank coffee tested better on verbal memory and visual and spatial reasoning.

A group of Japanese scientists published in 2009  the results of the study  conducted on 77,000 adults, finding that coffee consumption, due to its caffeine content, may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Caffeine blocks the negative effects of adenosine on dopamine in the brain, reducing the feelings of depression, actively acting as an antidepressant.

It is not all due to caffeine

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published findings of the study that confirmed that regular coffee drinking, with or without caffeine, significantly reduces the risk of the development of type 2 diabetes.
Chlorogenic acid is the second most powerful active ingredient of coffee. It  belongs to the phenolic acids, and as such acts as an antioxidants. Antioxidants are compounds that destroy free radicals, which are known to damage cell walls and cause a range of diseases. Chlorogenic acid is more powerful antioxidant than vitamin C. Chlorogenic acid is largely destroyed (70 percents) during the roasting of coffee.
A small study published in 2003 in the American Society for Clinical Nutrition concluded that coffee affects the secretion of gastrointestinal hormone production and glucose tolerance due to the combined effect of caffeine and chlorogenic acid.

A Brazilian study  published in 2008 found that chlorogenic acid in green coffee is beneficial for lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer's disease, as well as acting as antibacterial and antiinflammatory agent.

Another small study conducted on 16 volunteers found that green coffee extract acts as a weight loss agent and that it lowered body fat percentage.

Similar study conducted by a Norvegian researcher confirmed these findings, concluding that the weight loss can be attributed to the reduction of the glucose absorption by the gastrointestinal tract due to the effects of chlorogenic acid in green coffee. The study concluded that the extended use of coffee enriched with chlorogenic acid can reduce body mass and body fat percentage.

A group of Chinese researchers published in 2012 the results of their study, based on the earlier findings that chlorogenic acid (CGA) delays intestinal absorption of glucose and prevents gluconeogenesis. The study found that chlorogenic acid boosts transport of glucose in skeletal muscles, and that it may have beneficial effects of type 2 diabetes.

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How To Lose Weight Effectively With The Help Of Natural Supplements

Why go natural?
Weight loss is the goal of more and more men and women every day. With obesity rates increasing every year it seems that people haven't yet figured out a sustainable way to achieve and maintain weight loss. The main reason behind it is the fact that people seek fast solutions, involving starving themselves or consuming chemical diet supplements. This might lead to a temporary weight loss, but after you stop, you might gain even more weight than you have initially lost. This is because your body is thrown of balance and you eat more due to many days of deprivation. Additionally, many chemical diet pills can lead to severe health problems ranging from digestive issues to increased blood pressure and heart health issues. This is why choosing to approach weight lossnaturally is so important, if you want to maintain - or even improve - your health and lose weight forever.

Natural supplements
The basic vitamins: Supplementation is a way to make sure that your body gets what it needs, in terms of vitamins and minerals. This is why doctors will often suggest you a multivitamin if you are feeling fatigue or if you cannot concentrate. With today's fast-paced life we often do not have time to prepare and eat nutritious meals every day. This can lead to deficiencies and if your body is deficient in essential vitamins or vitamins, weight loss will slow down or even not occur at all. This is why starvation diets do not work in the long run. If you are not getting what you need, your body will burn as little calories as possible, in an attempt to get the nutrients it needs. So pop a good quality multivitamin, to make sure that your body is not deprived of the essentials.

Green coffee bean extract: green coffee beans contain a substance called chlorogenic acid. This natural substance inhibits the absorption of glucose in the blood stream, which means that your body is using fat as a source of energy. Burning more fat is not the only benefit of this supplement. It does not allow excess sugar to be stored in your body, which means that it won't turn into fat. Additionally, it helps regulate blood sugar levels and reduces sugar spikes and cravings. This can be very helpful for emotional eaters or people who tend to overeat.

Natural supplementation for hormonal imbalances: for many women, weight gain is linked to hormonal imbalances, be it menopause, poly-cystic ovarian syndrome or irregular menstrual cycles. You can take herbal supplements in order to balance your hormones and achieve a faster weight loss, while fighting hormonal imbalance symptoms. Look for supplements containing parsley, red raspberry leaf, nettle, dandelion, kelp, alfalfa and/or black cohosh.

The importance of a healthy lifestyle

Even though there are natural supplements that can increase your body's fat burning rate and lead to weight loss no matter what you eat, switching to a healthier lifestyle has many benefits. Small changes, like replacing soda with water or eating fruit instead of a sugary dessert can make a huge difference not only to your figure, but also to your skin, hair and nails. Replacing frozen dinners with home-cooked meals made out of whole grains and vegetables will boost your immune system and detox your body, helping supplements work even more effectively. And if you start running, swimming or even walking a few times a week, you will transform into your slimmer, healthier self in no time!
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Green Coffee Is Getting Famous

Why all the buzz?
When you read about green coffee, it is green coffee bean extract that people are talking about. Your regular coffee machine processes ground, brown, roasted beans in order to produce your favorite coffee. Green coffee beans are the way coffee beans look when they are not roasted. When these beans are soaked in distilled water, the green coffee bean extract can be produced, that is rich in antioxidants and chlorogenic acid. Chlorogenic acid is a powerful weight loss aid, as it inhibits the absorption of glucose in the blood stream, preventing the body from turning excess sugar into fat. Additionally, it leads the body to use fat as an energy source, instead of carbohydrates, that is our body's default function. This way we burn more fat faster.
As green coffee bean extract is low on caffeine, it allows you to get many of coffee's antioxidants without the agitation, digestive issues, jitters and sleep issues that coffee consumption causes to many people. It has also been found in scientific studies to dilate the veins, lowering blood pressure. And since it does not allow for glucose to enter your blood stream that easily, it can also be used to help people with type 2 diabetes control their sugar spikes.

Featured on the media
Thebenefits of green coffee bean extracts have been featured many times on the Dr. Oz show, where studies about its benefits were also presented by different specialists. After Dr. Oz first called green coffee bean extract a miracle, the sales of green coffee supplements skyrocketed. Dr. Oz has been accused of being paid to talk about green coffee benefits and in order to prove that this was not true, he conducted his own research with the help of doctors and two control groups of women. His independent researched proved that green coffee bean extracts greatly help weight loss.
Many newspapers and their online versions have also published articles talking about the hope that green coffee beans bring for people who are overweight. The Los Angeles Times, Huffington Post and Daily Mail are just a small part of the press that felt green coffee beans were worth a mention.

Do famous people use green coffee bean extract?
As top class dieticians have to keep the confidentiality of their clients, it is quite hard to know for sure who has been using green coffee bean extracts. Having to lose weight in Hollywood is considered a major sin so not everyone is willing to talk openly about that. However, inside sources have repeatedly claimed that Demi Moore, Jenifer Lopez and Katy Perry are among some of the stars who trust the green bean for its magical powers. The Daily Mail has even published an article, according to which a very famous Hollywood nutritionist said that green coffee bean extract sales skyrocket around Oscar time, when all the stars have one goal: look better than the rest.

Are there any new studies on the green coffee benefits published?

There sure are. In April 2013 Joe Vinson presented his latest research concerning the potential of green coffee beans as a weapon against obesity and type 2 diabetes at a meeting of the American Chemical Society. And of course more research will take place the years to come, in order to discover the full potential of this great natural supplement.
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The Science Behind Green Coffee Bean Extract Benefits

Greencoffee beans are the un-roasted beans found in the berries of the coffee tree. These coffee beans contain chlorogenic acid, a substance that is not present in roasted coffee beans and is proved to help in weight loss. When coffee beans get soaked in distilled water, the green coffee bean extract is produce. This extract, available usually in pill form, has many health benefits, not only due to the chlorogenic acid content, but also due to the rich antioxidant content. Let's have a look at the different mechanism behind the health benefits of green coffee bean extract.

Weight loss benefits
Chlorogenic acids blocks glucose from being released into the bloodstream. This means that the body cannot use carbohydrates as a readily available source of energy and burns fat instead. Additionally, as the sugar you consume is not fully absorbed, excess amounts do not get stored in your body as fat. And since simple carbohydrates, like sugar, do not enter your blood stream, you won't experience sugar spikes, which often lead to cravings and overeating. Of course, chlorogenic acid can be found n other plant sources as well, but green coffee beans have the highest concentration of this natural compound. This is why high quality green coffee bean extract supplements seem to work so well, when it comes to fast and healthy weight loss.

Even though the research on the benefits of chlorogenic acid and green coffee bean extract has not been studied in great depth yet, there are at least two studies that confirm the link between green coffee consumption and lower blood pressure. The first study was conducted using rats. Their cholesterol levels dropped and they had higher glucose tolerance once they were fed a diet of green coffee beans. The study on humans took part in 2005 and it was conducted by Japanese researchers. It used placebo and green coffee bean extract in order to examine its effect on blood pressure. The test sample of people who consumed black coffee had a lower blood pressure at the end of the experiment and there were no negative side effects observed. It is believed that chlorogenic acids, possibly along with other compounds found in green coffee beans, leads to the dilation of the veins, allowing for a better blood flow, hence the lower blood pressure.
Type 2 diabetes
The effect that green coffee bean extract has in the absorption of glucose from the body has led scientists to believe that it has a great potential as a regulator of type 2 diabetes. The most recent presentation of the benefits of chlorogenic acid for such patients took part in April 2013 at the National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society (ACS) in New Orleans. There Dr. Vinson pointed out that as type 2 diabetes and obesity often go hand in hand, chlorogenic acid can help patients by battling too factors that compromise their health and well being with one single supplement.

Other benefits
Of course, green coffee beans contain many potent antioxidants. It is true that the roasting of coffee beans increases their antioxidant content, but that does not mean that green coffee beans are deprived of it. On the contrary, they are potent enough to help slow down the aging process, by binding with free radicals. This means also reduced inflammation and reduced production of abnormal cells. More research needs to be conducted though, in order to have conclusive results about these benefitsof green coffee beans extract
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